by Adin Ballou

Table of Contents





CHAPTER I – Explanatory Definitions

Different Kinds of Non-Resistance

The Term Non-Resistance

The Term Force

The Term Injury

The Term Christian Non-Resistance

The Key Text of Non-Resistance

Necessary Applications of Non-Resistance

What a Christian Non-Resistant Cannot Consistently Do

The Principle and Sub-Principle of Non-Resistance

The Conclusion

CHAPTER II – Scriptural Proofs

Matthew 5:38-41, a Proof Text

Evasive Constructions of the Text

A First Evasion

A Second Evasion

A Third Evasion

A Fourth Evasion

A Fifth Evasion

A Sixth Evasion

A Final Evasion

Reason for Noticing All These Evasions

Second Proof, Matthew 5:43-48

Third Proof – Forgiveness

Further Important Proofs

Apostolic Testimonies

General View of the Evidence

The Primitive Christians

Testimony of Celsus and Gibbon

CHAPTER III – Scriptural Objections Answered

Objection 1 – You Throw Away the Old Testament

Voice of the New Testament

Voice of the Old Testament

Objection 2 – The Scourge of Small Cords

Objection 3 – The Two Swords

Objection 4 – Death of Ananias and Sapphira

Objection 5 – Human Government – Romans Chapter 13

How the Apostles Viewed the Then Existing Governments

Submission to, Not Participation in, Government Enjoined on Christians

In What Sense “The Powers That Be Are Ordained of God”

Pharaoh God’s Minister

The Monarch of Assyria God’s Minister

Nebuchadnezzar God’s Minister

The Roman Government

Respects Wherein Government Is Ordained of God

Paul’s Conduct in Relation to Government


CHAPTER IV – Non-Resistance Not Contrary To Nature

Nature and the Laws of Nature Defined

Self-Preservation the First Law of Nature

What Is the True Method of Self-Preservation

A Demurrer of the Objector

The Objector Still Persists with the Analogy of the Animals

Common Method of Self-Preservation Certainly False

Five Great Laws of Human Nature Considered

These Laws Radically Harmonious

Non-Resistance in Perfect Unison with These Laws

A Law of Universal Nature – Like Begets Its Like

General Illustrations in Common Life

Special Illustrations – Facts From Real Life

Subdued Pride and Scorn

The Man Whose Temper Was Broken

Colored Woman and the Sailor

The Haymakers

The Two Students

Two Neighbors and the Manure

Impounding the Horse

Two Neighbors and the Hens

Henry and Albert

The Subdued Hatter

The Revolutionary Soldier

Ex-President Jefferson and the Cooper’s Shop

William Ladd and Neighbor Pulsifer


CHAPTER V – The Safety Of Non-Resistance

Raymond the Traveler

Agent of the Bible Society in Texas

The Young Man Near Philadelphia

Robert Barclay and Leonard Fell

Archbishop Sharpe

Rowland Hill

The Methodist Non-Resistants

The Two New Zealand Chiefs

The Missionary and Arabs

A Christian Tribe in Africa

The Moravian Indians

The Moravians of Grace Hill

The Shakers

The Indians and the Quaker Family

The Inhabitants of the Loochoo Islands

The Indians and the Quaker Meeting

The Christian Town in the Tyrol

Captain Back – The Quakers – The Malays

Jonathan Dymond – Colony of Pennsylvania

The Colony of Pennsylvania

CHAPTER VI – General Objections Answered

Objection 1 – Impracticable Until the Millennium

Principles of the Millennium

Objection 2 – Extremely Difficult If Not Impossible

Hollowness of the Objection

Passage of the Traun

Objection 3 – More Difficult in Small Than Large Matters

The Profane Swearer Reproved and Subdued

The Christian Slave and His Enemy

How to Overcome Evil

Henry C. Wright and His Assailant

The Victorious Little Boy

Colony of Practical Christians

The Avenger Stayed


CHAPTER VII – Non-Resistance In Relation To Government

Is Non-Resistance For or Against Human Government?

Human Government De Facto

Extract from the Constitution of Massachusetts

Extracts from the U.S. Constitution

Why Not Participate in Order to Reform?

Cannot Lie and Commit Perjury

Delegated Power to Declare War

Letters of Marque and Reprisal, Piracy

Legal and Political Action

How to Reform Government

Injurious Force Not Essential to Government

Under What Circumstances the Country Might Have  A Non-Resistant Government

View of the Present Order of Things, and Remedies

Extract from M. Guizot’s Lectures


APPENDIX I – Biographical Sketch of the Author

APPENDIX II – The Higher Patriotism and Its Relation to the Cause of Universal Peace